Unlock the Secret: How to See Liked Posts on Instagram!

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram!

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In today’s age of social media, Instagram has become a popular platform for sharing photos and connecting with others. As we scroll through our feeds, we often find ourselves double-tapping on posts that catch our eye. But what happens when we want to go back and revisit those liked posts? Is it possible to see a list of all the posts we’ve liked on Instagram? In this blog post, we’ll explore this question and provide you with some useful tips and tricks. So, if you’re curious about how to see your liked posts on Instagram, keep reading!

How to see liked posts on instagram – Using the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature

In this step, we will show you how to see your liked posts on Instagram by using the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature.

posts you've liked instagram

Step 1: Open Instagram App

The first step to seeing your liked posts on Instagram is to open the Instagram app on your mobile device. You can find the Instagram app on your home screen or in your app drawer.

Step 2: Access Your Profile

Once you have opened the Instagram app, the next step is to access your profile. You can do this by tapping on the profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to your Instagram profile.

Step 3: Access Posts You’ve Liked

After accessing your profile, the next step is to access the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature. To do this, tap on the three horizontal lines located at the top right corner of the screen. This will open the Instagram menu. Scroll down the menu and tap on the “Settings” option.

Step 4: Access Account Settings

After tapping on the “Settings” option, the next step is to access your account settings. To do this, scroll down the settings menu and tap on the “Account” option.

Step 5: Access Posts You’ve Liked

After accessing your account settings, the next step is to access the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature. To do this, scroll down the account settings menu and tap on the “Posts You’ve Liked” option.

Step 6: View Liked Posts

After accessing the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature, you can now view all the posts that you have liked on Instagram. You can scroll down the list of liked posts to view them. You can also use the search bar to search for specific posts that you have liked.

How to see liked posts on instagram – Using the activity log

In this step, we’ll show you how to see liked posts on Instagram using the activity log.

How to see liked posts on instagram

What is the Instagram activity log?

The activity log on Instagram is a feature that allows you to see all the actions you’ve taken on the platform, including posts you’ve liked, comments you’ve made, and accounts you’ve followed or unfollowed. This feature is usually hidden in plain sight and not many users know about it.

How to access the activity log on Instagram

To see your activity log on Instagram, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your Instagram profile by tapping on your profile picture in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3: From the menu that appears, select “Settings.”

Step 4: Scroll down and tap on “Security.”

Step 5: Tap on “Access Data.”

Step 6: Enter your email address and Instagram password to verify your identity.

Step 7: Scroll down and tap on “Account Activity.”

Step 8: Tap on “Posts You’ve Liked.”

How to see liked posts on Instagram using the activity log

Once you’ve accessed your activity log, you can easily view all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram. Here’s how:

Step 1: Tap on “Posts You’ve Liked.”

Step 2: You’ll see a list of all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram, organized by date.

Step 3: You can scroll through the list to see all the posts you’ve liked.

Step 4: If you want to unlike a post, simply tap on the heart icon to remove the like.

Why use the Instagram activity log?

The Instagram activity log is a useful tool for several reasons. Here are a few examples:

1. It helps you keep track of your activity on Instagram.

2. It allows you to see what posts you’ve liked, which can be useful if you want to revisit a post or unlike a post.

3. It can help you identify any suspicious activity on your account, such as likes or comments you didn’t make.

4. It can help you clean up your account by removing likes on posts you no longer want to associate with.

Finding your liked posts on Instagram is a simple process using the activity log. By accessing the log, filtering by likes, and scrolling through the list, you’ll be able to see all the posts that you’ve liked on the platform.

How to see liked posts on instagram – Using third-party apps

In this step, we’ll show you how to see liked posts on Instagram using a variety of third-party apps. Whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, there’s an app out there that will help you view all your liked posts in one place.

Before we dive in, it’s important to note that Instagram’s terms of service do not allow third-party apps to use its API for data mining. This means that using third-party apps to see your liked posts on Instagram can potentially violate the platform’s rules. However, many users find these apps helpful and use them at their own risk.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best third-party apps for seeing liked posts on Instagram.

How to see liked posts on instagram


InstaView is a popular app for both iOS and Android that allows users to see all the posts they’ve liked on Instagram. It’s easy to use: simply log in to your Instagram account through the app, and InstaView will display a list of all the posts you’ve liked. You can also save posts to a separate folder for easy access later.

Like Patrol

Like Patrol is another third-party app that lets you see liked posts on Instagram. However, it goes a step further by providing insights into the activity of other users on the platform. Like Patrol tracks the activity of any Instagram user you choose, including their likes, comments, and followers. This app is only available for iOS devices.


InstaShop is a great app for those who not only want to see their liked posts, but also want to turn their Instagram likes into purchases. The app allows users to browse and shop for products that have been liked by other Instagram users. InstaShop is available for both iOS and Android.


Likekeeper is an app for iOS that lets you keep track of all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram. It also allows you to organize your liked posts into folders for easy access later. Likekeeper is a great option for those who want a simple and straightforward way to see their liked posts without any extra bells and whistles.


InstaLikes is a popular app for Android that not only lets you see your liked posts, but also provides insights into your Instagram activity. The app displays your most liked posts, your most commented posts, and your most active followers. InstaLikes is a great choice for those who want to track their Instagram engagement as well as view their liked posts.

Is It Safe to Use Third-Party Apps?

While third-party apps can be useful, it’s important to note that they’re not officially endorsed by Instagram. Some apps may require you to provide your Instagram login credentials, which can be risky. To ensure the safety of your account, it’s essential to use reputable apps and read app reviews before downloading.

While Instagram doesn’t make it easy to view all your liked posts in one place, there are third-party apps available that can help you accomplish this task. Whether you’re using an iOS or Android device, there’s an app out there that will meet your needs. Just remember to use these apps at your own risk, as they may potentially violate Instagram’s terms of service.


In conclusion, viewing liked posts on Instagram is a relatively simple process. Users can access their activity feed to see their recent activity including their likes. Additionally, they can also view the posts they have liked by visiting their profile, selecting the three horizontal lines in the top right corner, and then selecting “Settings” followed by “Account” and then “Posts You’ve Liked”. This feature can be useful for users who want to keep track of their activity on the platform or revisit posts they have enjoyed in the past. By following these simple steps, users can easily view their liked posts on Instagram.

See more: How to Repost a Story on Instagram? Step-By-Step Guide 2024

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